Sunday, October 4, 2015

2015 Johnson Auction

Along about the first first or so of doing this blog, I started taking "squint shots" -- close-ups of architecture in particular.  One of my pictures was of some woodwork at the roof peak of the house at 310 South Grand Avenue.  Never knew until years later it was uninhabited, but used only as a storage facility for Johnny Johnson's immense photography and filming collection.  

I used to see Mr. Johnson walking more often than not when I would come into town.  I started missing him lately and found out he had passed away this summer.  Well now there's going to be an auction Saturday, October 10, at that same house I took a squint shot years ago.  Sometimes, things like this make me a bit sad, even if I never met him.

(Article found in current issue of Fowlerville News and Views)

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