Saturday, February 19, 2011

1895 Phonograph

How far we've come!

The following announcement and then article were found in the local newspaper, reprinted from the Williamston Enterprise, regarding the new-flangled phonograph:

Frank Reason will give a phonograph concert at the M.E. Church on Friday evening, Oct. 25. General admission 15 cents, children under 12 years 10 cents.

The phonograph concert, given by Frank Reason on Monday evening, at the M.E. Church, was well patronized and highly enjoyed. Truly he has a wonderful singing, talking and whistling machine. It was plainly heard in all parts of the room. He has been invited to return in about two weeks with many other new selections, he will give two from Gladstone, one of which will be a part of his last address in Parliament so that his own voice will be heard.~~Williamston Enterprise

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